The entire STIHLER ELECTRONIC product line is characterized by all products being designed for many years' routine use. Awkward and expensive disposables are not required for use.
Our high-performance blood and infusion warmers covers the full range of clinically relevant flow rate.
The economical disposable extension line suitable for all applications of ASTOTHERM® PLUS.
Without special disposables being required all medical fluids can be warmed with ASTOFLO® PLUS ECO right up to the patient cannula.
ASTOPAD® is a reusable, flexible patient warming system. The patient can be warmed all-over from above and below simultaneously.
Due to an integrated battery the ASTOPAD provides continuous, active patient warming in the peri-operative area.
ASTOPAD® COV warming blankets are exceedingly soft and supple. They can be used before, during and after surgery, as well as on the ward.
By processing of a visco-elastic foam and an integrated heating element ASTOPAD® SOF is the best possible prophylaxis against decubitus and warming of the patient from below.
Heated, pressure relieving operating table mattress for hybrid operating theatres, antistatic
ASTOPAD® Baby Warmer cares for premature and new born babies with comfortable and protective warmth. It can be used in any bed, without affecting the close contact between mother and child.
ASTODIA® allows the easy search for blood vessels for safe puncture and is specially suitable for patients in the field of paediatrics.